Monday, 23 May 2016

How Social Media drive SEO Success in 2016?

Over the years, we have witnessed a plethora of changes in the digital landscape.  There is no denying the internet has changed the way we all live and conduct business. It has paved a fresh tone for the way we interact and engage with one another. Moreover, it has become more than necessary to make our presence online.  The world of social media focuses on, and encourages, engagement and real conversations between people online. SEO focuses on how people are looking for information and solutions to their problems online. Let's take a look at how social media has evolved and it's relationship with SEO. 
Until recently, there have been misconceptions, both search and social media don't complement each other and hence, are two different aspects. Before delving deep into this matter, if you look at the way brands are found online via organic media, the two biggest channels are overwhelmingly, search and social. The truth is, both social media and SEO are two sides of the same coin. 

Recently, search engines like Google, have been ranking content shared on social media sites higher than content posted on blogs and individual sites.While social media doesn’t necessarily have a direct impact on search ranking, it is an important part of SEO.
SEO is much more than just ranking well in Google. We’ve exited the era of search engine optimization (SEO), and have now entered the new age of 'search experience optimization' (also SEO)

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